Certificate Submission Form

Certificate of Insurance
Attach a physical copy of the certificate using the "Attachments" feature below.

NOTE: If your Insured Contact does not exist on the list you must select "Yes" under Add New Contact and submit the New Contact details below.

For questions about this form, please contact Niall McGarrigle
by email at insurance@torontomu.ca

"YES" - My Insured Contact did not appear on the list and I need to add their information.

"NO" - I found the correct Insured Contact information on the list to the left.

New Contact Details

Please fill the following fields and submit to generate a new insured contact for your organization.

Enter the name located at the top of your certificate

Date that the insurance policy expires.
Select from calendar or use format: MM/DD/YYYY

Select from calendar or use format: MM/DD/YYYY

Student Insurance Submission

Attach a physical copy of the certificate using the "Attachments" feature below.

For questions about this form, please contact Niall McGarrigle
by email at insurance@torontomu.ca

Date that the insurance policy expires.
Select from calendar or use format: MM/DD/YYYY

Your Toronto Metropolitan University Student Number

Canadian Policy Number


Click "Submit" to finish your submission.